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Call to Action, Help Elect America First Candidates

The 2024 Presidential election will be pivotal in regard to the future of our nation. Will we elect a candidate who was appointed by the Oligarch, not appointed by the people or an America first candidate who has a proven track record of putting America first?

What Does America first mean?

America first means that the candidate promotes policies that benefit American voters. Some examples include:

  • Effective boarder security

  • Avoiding endless wars

  • End inflation through fiscal responsibility

  • Make America energy dominant

  • Policies that encourage domestic manufacturing

  • Not weaponizing the government against the American people

  • Policies that strengthen the US dollar world wide

The top of the ticket is important but all the down ticket candidates are important as well.

As a member of the Montgomery County Republican Party Central Committee representing Miami Township S and the elected Ward Leader for Miami Township I am asking you for your help. I need your help in distributing literature for electing America first candidates at the the Federal, State and Local level in Miami Township and surrounding cities.


On Friday September 6, 2024 the Montgomery County Republican Party will be providing me walking list and candidate slate cards listing thousands of residence. I can not do this alone.

What I am asking individuals to do is deliver Republican candidate slate cards to individual residential addresses based off a walking list of likely Voters who as a group are open to voting for these candidates. Delivering campaign materials is not solicitation since the individual is not selling a product or asking for donations. The individual is only delivering campaign materials to individuals who have been pre-qualified as likely voters who as a group are open to considering the candidates being promoted.

As part of this effort we will be delivering the following slate card to likely voters along with individual candidate campaign material when available.

how do i volunteer

Together we can make a difference.

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