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Dirty Politics

Updated: Nov 2, 2023

The Ohio Teachers Union Pac Educate Ohio Action Fund says that "Scott Taylor is wrong for Miamisburg." They are not only going after Scott Taylor, but after 85 other candidates who dare to stand against their union policies. Below is an example of their critical rhetoric.

I wish that the Ohio Teachers union had contacted me before having made these accusations. If I had been able to meet with them, I would have shared with them my goals for Miamisburg schools. I am, in fact, endorsed by parents from all over Miamisburg and Miami Township. I want parents and teachers to work together for the success of children. I am pro-public education. I want to hold our schools accountable for using our tax money wisely to improve student performance.

I guess those things are not important to the Ohio Teachers union.

There's no greater asset to a teacher than parental support and communication. Together we can strengthen the educational foundations of the student community. When parents support educators, and educators engage parents, the whole district wins.

It's clear that parents blame some negatives on teachers when, in fact, curriculum directors, superintendents, and professional development coordinators should be held accountable.

Scott Taylor is right for Miamisburg!

On November 7, 2023

Vote for Scott Taylor

Miamisburg School Board.

If you believe in my message, please consider supporting my campaign.

A donation of $20, $50,or $100 will go a long way to ensure my election to the

Miamisburg School Board.

Paid for by Neighbors for Scott Taylor

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