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Decision Time

Updated: Nov 6, 2023

My four children, graduates of Miamisburg high school, have distinguished themselves in their own unique ways.

The next generation of students should have the same opportunities for success that my children had, which is my motivation for running for the Miamisburg School Board.

When elected, I will work to ensure:

  • Back to basics in reading, writing, and math.

  • Critical thinking in the classroom, rather than critical race theory

  • Fact-based and age-appropriate curriculum

  • A safe learning environment

  • Responsible and transparent fiscal policy

Help me ensure that the next generation of students is as well prepared and equipped for life after high school as my children were.

Visit my main page to learn my positions on specific issues.

Upcoming Article

Look for my upcoming article regarding Miamisburg grade banded buildings and expanded enrollment boundaries. This article will be based on the Miamisburg school board October 5, 2023 Special Board Meeting/Work Session meeting, minutes available at

or download the meeting minutes below and follow the links.

On November 7, 2023

Vote for Scott Taylor

Miamisburg School Board

Watch the video below to learn more about my campaign.

Paid for by Neighbors for Scott Taylor

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