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Get your your campaign yard sign while they last!

Updated: Nov 1, 2023

To get your Elect Scott Taylor for Miamisburg School Board yard sign, text or call me at 937-554-8116 or email me at

I fight for the rights of parents and students. Please join me.

Campaign signs promoting the candidacy of Scott Taylor have popped up around the district. November is now upon us, and there is still a window of time to display campaign yard signs. A message displayed in your yard promotes my slogan, "Fighting for the rights of parents and students." Stand with me in support of parents and students.

In the past six months I have visited thousands of homes, spoken to hundreds of residents, and listened to their concerns. These are the things I am hearing from parents.

  • School taxes. Many residents feel school taxes are too high and wonder if the district is spending their tax dollars wisely.

  • Inconsistency and lack of discipline in our schools. Several have shared their concerns and their stories.

  • Curriculum that fails to benefit students, such as Social Emotional Learning. A former teacher questioned why we need Social Emotional Leaning. YouTube videos are mostly positive while Rumble videos are mostly negative. Something disconcerting is going on.

  • Affirmation of transgenderism and failure to protect women's privacy. Parents have expressed concerns regarding pronoun usage and social transitioning of students. I understand this considering my past.

  • Concerns regarding Critical Race Theory (CRT) being taught in our schools. Ann Niess stated at the August 23, 2023 school board meeting that she had "been asked a few times now if critical race theory was taught in Miamisburg schools." She provided a history addressing critical race theory, but stopped short of answering the question. What I do know is that earlier this year the Miamisburg school board approved an administrator's travel to a conference sponsored by a partisan organization called Voice4Equity, promoting the concepts of systemic bias, equity, social justice and systemic oppression, using history to promote an agenda. The Miamisburg School District has aligned with that agenda, even having purchased (to the tune of $40,000) a race-based equity training program called Equity Fellows.

As a school board member I will look into these issues. On every topic, I will focus on putting parents and students firsts.

Something else to take a stand on

I stand for protecting parents rights and protecting children. If passed on November 7th, Issue 1 fails on both counts. It strips parents of their rights to be the final authority regarding medical decisions for their children, and it broadens the occasions for potential child abuse.

You can take a stand against the (so called) Reproductive Rights amendment (should be called strip parents of their rights amendment ) that will be on the ballot on November 7, 2023, by placing a "No on Issue 1" sign in your yard. I've partnered with Dayton Right To Life to get these signs out in the community.

Why vote NO on Issue 1

The Reproductive Freedom Amendment grants all individuals, regardless of age, the right to make their own decisions regarding abortion and other medical procedures, including permanent gender alteration protocols.

And who would those “individuals” be?

Those individuals include minor children. If passed, this amendment negates parental authority, as no parental permission or even notification is required.

If your child makes a terrible mistake that results in a pregnancy, do you trust them to make a life-changing decision without parental input? If parents are not involved, then who is guiding our children?

Text of the Reproductive Freedom Amendment with markup

Paid for by Neighbors for Scott Taylor

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