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April 2023 Newsletter Volume 1, Edition 1

Updated: Jun 30, 2023

Launched my campaign for running for Miamisburg School board at the beginning of February 2023 and have completed a major milestone!

With help of friends, I have collected 225 signatures for my candidate petition to get my name on the November 7, 2023, ballot for Miamisburg School Board.

While collecting signatures I had the opportunity to talk to parents and home owners regarding their concerns.

School Taxes

One retire expressed concern regarding the high rate of taxes she pays and is concerned she can not make the payments. School board members need to keep in mind the burden of taxes when approving school board budgets.

Discipline at the Middle School

A teacher at the Miamisburg Middle School has taken a leave of absence in response to the district's lack of action in securing her safety and that of students.

Gender Pronouns

An 11 year old girl was called out of class to the principals office in the Middle School for the first time in her life without the parents being notified. She was told by the principal that she must call another female student that she’s known by her legal name since Kindergarten, a boys name, because she had made the decision to be a boy.

As a school board candidate and future Miamisburg School board member I will represent parents and work to address issues that negatively impact students, teachers, school staff and parents!

You can safely share our concerns with me in confidence and I will represent you.

March 16, 2023 Miamisburg School Board Meeting

I spoke at the March 16, 2023 school board meeting and donated six copies the book Think and Grow Rich that has inspired me. As part of my speech I reported what is happening in the near by Kettering School district.

Book Think and Grow Rich Donated to the Miamisburg School Board

This book can transform lives when studied and aplied. Imagine that in America, if you have a desire for anything, you can have it, you set a date to get it, create a plan to accomplish it, assemble a team to get it, you will obtain it. Imagine how many issues would go away if students followed this plan!

March 21, 2023 Kettering School Board Meeting

I reported to the Miamisburg School board what I had learned by attending the March 21, 2023 Kettering School Board Meeting. I was invited in response to Accuracy in Media video that was released in January. Supervisor of student services, Rick Earley, was recorded explaining that schools like Kettering could work around future state laws that prohibit the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT). He admitted that the district addresses gender issues without parental consent.

Toby Henderson read a written statement at the end of the meeting that I found disturbing:

  • Refused to address comments from Rick Earley regarding the Accuracy In Media Video and strongly stated it was taken out of context

  • Stated that there is no course taught called Critical Race Theory but failed to acknowledge that currently Critical Race Theory is laced through some of the materials now taught in schools

  • Must follow the law and that transgender individuals are protected under the 1972 Title IX regulations and the Equal Protection clause of the 14th amendment

Mr. Henderson failed to acknowledge that Title IX is not law and that the Title IX regulations were designed to protect women and not men.

Board President Toby Henderson speaking at the March 21, 2023 Kettering School Board Meeting

As a member of the Miamisburg School board, I will work to support a facts-based, age-appropriate curriculum, protect student data privacy, physical privacy, recognize parent’s rights, Promote the teaching of American history, and cultivate a learning environment which embraces freedom of speech, religion and respect for all students and teachers.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Is the Miamisburg School Board transparent about their board decisions?

  • Does the Miamisburg School Board represent the members of the community or special interest?

  • Does the Miamisburg School Board put students teachers and parents ahead of school funding?

Support my election to the Miamisburg School Board on November 7, 2023. Donations to may campaign are appreciated. To donate, please visit my campaign webpage Get involved in making a positive difference in Miamisburg. Support Scott Taylor for Miamisburg School Board.

Paid for by Neighbors for Scott Taylor

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