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Memorial Day in Miamisburg May 29, 2023

Updated: Jun 30, 2023

Memorial day is celebrated in Miamisburg in a big way and this year was no exception. We all need to remember that our great country was founded by men and women who have sacrificed to serve in our nations military and some have paid the ultimate price. Ronald Regan reminded us of this fact in his Inaugural Address on January 20, 1981. Freedom can be lost if we as citizens of our great nation fail to stand up against tyranny both inside and outside of our great community.

The Memorial day events began at 10:30 with a ceremony at the Linden bridge remerging those who served in the Coast Guard, Merchant Marines and the Navy who have have paid the ultimate price for the freedom we enjoy. The ceremony was followed by a parade from the Linden bridge to Miamisburg Veterans park. The event concludes with a memorial service, picnic in the Park and music by the Miamisburg High School Alumni Band.

As in past years the Miamisburg Marching band assembles at Memorial Auditorium to practice and then march down to the memorial Bridge for the ceremony the Linden Bridge.

The ceremony at the Linden bridge opened with the Miamisburg marching band playing the National Anthem.

John Heinrich Commander of the Miamisburg American Legion post 165 opened the ceremony at the Linden bridge and the post Chaplin John Siciarz offered a prayer for the Navy, Coast Guard and Merchant Marines that perished on the waterways of the world.

A wreath of flowers was thrown from the bridge as a memorial to those who have given their lives on the seas to protect our freedom.

The American Legion post 165 solutes those who have paid the ultimate price.

Alberta Duncan plays Taps.

Kevin Brown plays Amazing Grace

The Sons of the American Revolution were a part of the Memorial Day Parade. The Sons of the the American Revolution a national Society is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history and teaching American history to future generations.

The Miamisburg Rotary Club drove zig-zag down the parade route in this historic fire truck.

The Sons of the American Revolution presented the colors at the opening of the service at Miamisburg Veterans park.

Ken Ballinger President of the Miamisburg Historical Society shared that the Miamisburg Historical Society museum occupies the building that formally was the Miamisburg Library located at The Miamisburg History Center, 35 South Fifth Street, in Veterans Memorial Park. This museum is amazing. Consider visiting it and learn about Miamisburg history.

Paul and Nan Zonowick spoke about their son who is a marine who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Paul and Nan are proud parents of a United States Marine that made the ultimate sacrifice.

Mayor Michelle Collins key note address as the 2023 patriotic reading recommended by the American Legion.

Miamisburg Marching band played the National Anthem with the singer Alberta Duncan, and a melody of military songs. Veterans were encouraged to stand when their heard their military branches song played.

The ceremony concluded with Alberta Duncan playing Taps and Kevin Brown playing Amazing Grace

During todays events I pondered my role in our nations history. If individuals in the past and present have served in our military with some paying the ultimate sacrifices then I should be able to stand up for parents and students regardless of the cost. This is why I am running for Miamisburg City School board and I ask you to vote for me on November 7, 2023. Together we can make the Miamisburg City Schools the best school district in the nation.

Upcoming campaign events

  • Attend our next Parents and Citizens meeting of those who want to make a difference in our schools.

  • Attend the next Miamisburg School Board meeting

    • Location: Miamisburg Civic Center 10 N 1st St, Miamisburg, OH 45342

    • Space: Council Chambers

    • Date: Thursday June 15, 2023

    • Time: 6:00 P.M

  • Support my School Board Campaign with a donation of any amount in supporting my efforts in Fighting for the Rights Of the Parents and Students in Miamisburg

Paid for by Neighbors for Scott Taylor

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