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Pornography in School Libraries?

Updated: Dec 26, 2023

Watch this video of Mirna Eads regarding eliminating pornography from School Libraries

Recently had the opportunity to meet Mirna Eads. She and and her team are working to identifying and removing pornographic media (books and electronics) in Ohio and Kentucky schools.

Mirna Eads is dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government.


Visit Home | HEED Parent Teacher Alliance ( to learn about a particular book.

check a specific school library catalog in your district visit:

Download the book binder that Mirna Eads created for Kentucky Legislatures containing the pornographic material referenced in the above video. This document contains 111 pages of explicit material that might be available in your local school library.

Example book to search for: The handmaid's tale

  1. Download the Book Binder and search the document for the example book

  2. Use the website to search for the example book in your local library

  3. Search for the example book at Home | HEED Parent Teacher Alliance (

A Chapter of Moms for Liberty needs to be established in Miamisburg. Who will rise to the challenge?

Paid for by Neighbors for Scott Taylor

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