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September 1, 2023 Miamisburg vs. Ponitz Career Tech Wins 50 to 6

Updated: Oct 1, 2023

Last Friday's non-conference football game was against Ponitz Career Tech. The final score was Miamisburg, 50 and Ponitz Career Tech 6. At the game, I had the opportunity to talk to individuals about their thoughts regarding the Miamisburg school district.

Our Past and our Present

Just after half time I talked to a gentleman about changes he has observed since graduating from Miamisburg in 1982. He noted that individuals of different ethnic origins were at the the game that night and enjoying the game together. This was not the case when he attended games at Harmon Field in 1982.

Today, according to the Public School Review, Miamisburg City Schools proudly ranks in the top 20% of Ohio public school districts in average test scores, (math and reading proficiency), and minority participation. Moving forward, our focus should be on policies that benefit our students and encourage them to succeed, regardless of their economic, social or ethnic background.

MHS to DC $20 discount cards

For the last several years, the Miamisburg Middle School 8th grade class has sold local business discount cards to help fund their annual trip to the nation's capitol. Three of my children fully financed their trips by selling these cards. It was fun going out with each of them to raise support for the trip to DC.

This year I purchased my card from Leigh Anne Hartley, who volunteered at the visitor side concession stand at Friday's game. I'm glad to support her son, Jacob, an 8th grade Miamisburg Marching band member, and I will enjoy the great discounts at local Miamisburg businesses.

Cold Hearted Snake

At half time the Miamisburg marching band performed the first two movements of their competition program followed by the Miamisburg fight song. The band is off to a great start. The next band competition is Saturday, September 16th, at the Taylor Competition in Cleves, Ohio.

Campaign Update

I'm pleased to have met many who shared their Miamisburg stories, helping me understand what is important to our community. Working together, we will remain strong, meeting challenges head-on.

As a school board member, I will focus on what is good for our students and for Miamisburg, remembering what I've heard from the community. My children benefited from attending Miamisburg and I will work to insure that the next generation of Miamisburg students have the same benefit.

Things I stand for:

  • Parents' rights

  • Financial accountability

  • Discipline in our schools

  • Curriculum that benefits students

  • The reality that there are only two genders

On November 7, 2023, vote for Scott Taylor for

Miamisburg School Board.

Paid for by Neighbors for Scott Taylor

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