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The Truth about HB 68

Updated: Mar 31

Governor DeWine and the media have mis-characterized the bill "Saving Adolescents from Experimentation" (SAFE) Act " Was his decision influenced by the $40,000 in donations from hospitals that profit from sex change procedures?



Without placing limits on parental rights, the act affirms parental rights to:

  • Refer to and raise the child in a manner consistent with the child's biological sex,

  • Decline consent to gender transition services for the child,

  • Decline permission to counsel or offer other mental health services for the purpose of affirming the child's perception of his or her gender or sex, should the child's perception fail to coincide with his or her biological sex.


In addition, HB 68 requires schools, state institutions of higher education, and private colleges to designate separate single-sex teams and sports for each sex. 

Contact the leadership of the Ohio House and Senate. Urge Senate President Matt Huffman and Speaker Jason Stephens to override the Governor’s veto of House Bill 68. 


House Speaker Jason Stephens: 614-466-1366

Senate President Matt Huffman: 614-466-7584

Find and then Contact your Ohio House Representative and tell them you want them to over-ride the governors veto of HB-68. Go to, enter your address or nine digit zip, click on your representative to send them a message telling them to over-ride the governors veto of HB-68 and then call them.

My Personal Struggles

For decades, I suffered from gender identity disorder (now called gender dysphoria). Growing up, I had little connection with my dad; but I had a good relationship with my mother. The absence of a good male role model in the formative years is the likely cause of my gender identity issues. I was set up for failure.

In 1999, pornography opened the door to my embracing transgenderism, leading me further down a path to destruction. During that time, I witnessed firsthand the destruction caused by unnatural gender identity. Eventually, through new associations, family support, close friends, and my church, I broke free of this dysphoria. I appreciate being a man; and I recovered what had been lost.

Pivotal for me was the book Irreversible Damage, by Abigail Shrier. It speaks of the transgender craze and its seduction of elementary school girls. Imagine a child, affirmed in her transgender beliefs, being socially transitioned, given chemicals to irreversibly turn off her puberty. Later, when her peers mature and she does not, she finds herself even more isolated, confused, and miserable. Had she not been coached to go down this road, she would likely have outgrown the dysphoria confusion.

Buy this book to learn more.

It is time that we stop talking about students' rights and start doing what is best for our children, making decisions that rightly rest under the authority of the parent.

Read the Enact Ohio Saving Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act for yourself and make your own determination.

Link to HB 68 legislative page

For Further Reading

Pride, Lies and Deception based on a video by Megyn Kelly.

The Truth about My Past is my testimony about being freed from transgenderism and why it is destructive.

January 3, 2023 Update on HB 68

House Speaker Jason Stephens is acting quickly and has scheduled for the House to assemble, Wednesday, January 10, 2024, to vote to override Governor De Wine’s veto. (They were not scheduled to return until the end of January, but he asked them to return early so they could vote on this.)

Both the House and the Senate will need to vote. A three-fifths vote of the members of the House and the Senate is needed, 59 Representatives and 20 Senators. (HB 68 originally passed with 64 Representatives and 24 Senators.)

I was just on a Prayer Call with Ruth Edmonds, CCV. These are the prayer points Ruth shared:

· Swift override by the supermajority in the General Assembly of the Governor's veto of HB 68. Both the House and the Senate will need to vote.

· Repentance for the falling away from truth, righteousness, justice

· Repentance for endangering children, the heritage of the Lord. We do not want to be known as a state who sterilizes children.

· Revival in the hearts of Christians to engage in rescuing culture from destruction

· Thanksgiving and blessings for all the good Samaritan programs, initiatives, and organizations that Christians, churches, and faith-based organizations in Ohio, showing love and kindness to their neighbor.

PLEASE contact President Matt Huffman, District 12, requesting the Senate bring this to a vote, too. Senator Matt Huffman | Ohio Senate

PLEASE contact your Representative and Senator asking them to vote to override Governor DeWine’s veto.

Kimberly Brown

IFA Ohio State Prayer Leader

News. Prayer. Action.

Pray with us on Sundays at 7:00 p.m. EST

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Intercessors For America

Paid for by Neighbors for Scott Taylor

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1 Comment

Michael Larson
Michael Larson
Dec 18, 2023

Thanks for sharing Scott. I hope more can speak out for kids so they don't get misled into this lifestyle like you were. We pray our Governor stands up for kids and protects girls sports from this.

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